Here are the new features for August, and how to use them:
To make life easier for platform users, we've created a single link to register:
On this interface, you'll find all the programs that use the Inject platform. You can sort them by field: students, startups and corporate.
By vertical: DEI, Food and Plastic.
By role: participants, experts, juries and program managers. Your roles will appear with thumbnails on the program card.
You can also find your programs directly in the "my programs" tab.
A single link to find everything.
Enregistrement de l’écran 2023-10-18 à 10
Creating a template for your landing page
To enable you to create your own landing page, we've created customizable templates (text and photo; to change colors, please contact support).
Here's how to do it:
👉 Go to
manage program
👉 Click on "
" then on "
public tab
👉 Some tabs are already
, so you can either use them or create a new one.
👉 If you choose an existing one,
click on it
, otherwise click on
"Add tab".
👉 Click on the box to start editing, then on
👉 A menu will appear on the left, click on
👉 Go to category and choose
, select
👉 Next, you can add blocks by clicking on the + on the main screen, you can add a
which represents the top of the page,
which will be used to add content information, but also a footer which will close the page.
To modify the text
, click on the block and then on the part of the text to be modified, write what you want.
To modify a photo
, click once on the photo to be modified, then click on the image bookmark, then upload it. Don't forget to set the right dimensions!
🚨 Always save your changes